Sunday, July 31, 2011

Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Updates

Tomorrow, I'm planning to do my normally scheduled livestream at 10am, so hopefully people will tune in.

I've learned not to plan what I want to do for the rest of the week, because god knows things happen and I get distracted by other features to add. I will say that tomorrow I'm planning to add the full implementation of the Reformed Feet trait (i.e. prevent the player from wearing flat soled shoes), and then move on to something else since that'll only take an hour or so.

I would also like to give a huge thank you to Ehlanna, who was awesome enough to modify the import/export feature so that it's actually working the way I intended, and then some. It still doesn't carry everything over (and to be honest, I haven't played with it), but I trust Ehlanna's work, so I'm sure it'll be better than what I had set up. Ehlanna was also cool enough to streamline some other stuff behind the scenes.

So, yeah, that's that news. Back to the good stuff tomorrow morning.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Version 7/27

New version.

Major Changes and Additions
- There is now a selection of footwear available for purchase. Footwear can have a variety of effects. Check the shoe store at the mall.

Bug Fixes
- Rent is now properly considered paid when you pay it automatically.
- Missing your "introduction" to your job will now be properly reflected in the first conversation you have with your boss, and will result in a penalty to Job Performance.
- Heels Skill should now show up properly in the Skills option of the Status action.

Future Plans
- The next job to be added will be the Business career track (the green folder).
- Magazines and books will be added so that the bookshelf actually does something, and so that you can get minor effects from disposable items (magazines can only be used once before needing to be repurchased)
- Adjust the cash flow for the player.

Known Bugs
- The Import/Export doesn't work properly: specifically, it does not save your career track, so you can't actually work. The best (and currently only) way around this is to restart the new version of the game, use the "Skip Intro" cheat, select your job, then return to the bedroom and use the Import function. Again, the function is not perfect, and can't be, but I should be able to refine it eventually. 
- The leather dress doesn't show a proper description and counts as being naked.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Version 7/26

New version up. I sadly did not get everything I wanted done, but I added some important features.

Major Changes
The testing item now has an Import/Export function. You can only use the function in the bedroom at the beginning of the day. This does not carry over everything. Notably, due to the way the game is designed, purchasable items do not carry over, so you will have to buy them again. Which I know sucks, but there's no elegant way to take care of that. And you can get unlimited money easily anyway.
- Heels comfort is now a skill. There is a difference between being able to walk in heels and being able to look good in heels. At 5 skill points, you can wear short heels without a problem. At 15 skill points, medium heels can be worn without a problem, and you get a non-natural charisma bonus for short heels. At 25 skill points, you can wear tall heels without a problem, and medium heels give you a non-natural charisma bonus. At 40 skill points, tall heels give you a non-natural charisma bonus. There may also be requirements for specific shoes, such as ballet heels, later. Also, wearing short heels gives you 1 point in your skill, wearing medium gives 2, and tall gives 3.
- If you wear medium or higher heels too much, you may unlock a new trait...

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes
- Using a dildo now takes time.
- Sports Bra and White Corset underwear can be repurchased when they no longer fit.
- Job Performance requirements for promotion from Waitress has been significantly lowered, from 20 to 8 (you can get promoted in less than two weeks this way).
-The option you choose when confronting Maria (Object or Submit) now affects your sexuality.
- Rent timer wasn't running, but is now fixed: you will have to pay rent every 30 days.

Future Changes
- Footwear.  Kind of a big one, now that I know how it will work.
- Adding in the other jobs, at least to the point where you can get one promotion.
- Adding in other characters to interact with.
- Bringing back Maria on day 14.

Known Bugs
- Rent doesn't get counted as paid, even when it's actually paid.
- It's possible, through an unlikely sequence of events, to mess with the clothes provided in the stripper job.

Still No Stream Today

I'm still not broadcasting, but after a bit of a vacation, I am back to working on the game. Should be an update later today.

Monday, July 25, 2011

No Stream Today

I know I said I'd be back to normal streaming today, but that's not the case. There may not be a stream tomorrow as well, but I'm not going to say anything about that just yet.

I'll let you know when I do.

List of things requested from donations last week:
- Double Dildo
- Wearing high heels too much will make is so that the player has to wear high heels: in other words, their feet reshape to "non-flat".
- Possibility of submissive actions involving semen, such as swallowing and bathing, and also the possibility of becoming addicted to it, sort of (to be honest, the first part was already planned, so the second part is the real addition).

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hunger Edit

A very minor update today.

The Food/Hunger system now works as intended. When you choose to eat it sets a certain level of fullness for the day, as well as building up your fat slightly. Fat is burned off before fitness is increased, BUT strength building burns off fat while it increases strength (as you're using the protein to build your muscles or something, let's pretend there's a scientific reason). Any fat left unburned at the end of the day is translated to a negative fitness increase.

In addition, the type of meal you choose can have additional benefits or drawbacks. A hearty meal is expensive, but also you to build your strength faster. A light meal allows you to build your fitness faster. A sparse meal increases your fitness, but decreases your strength. And not eating at all will again increase your fitness (as your body eats any stored fat), but sharply reduces your strength and, if you don't eat anything, will make you sick the next day.

Although status effects aren't coded in yet, so I guess that's not really a drawback.

I've made a lot of notes the last few days, and I'm looking forward to putting them in, but I'm taking the next few days off, for personal reasons. I'll be back with more stuff on Monday.

In the meantime, donations have stalled a bit. Just a reminder, if you make a donation, you can request something to be added to the game. In addition, if the goal for this week is met, I'll continue to post updates next week.

Edit: Broke the damn donation button. It should be working again now.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


New version (7/19).

New Features
Hunger has been reintroduced, with new effects. Starting with the day after you change into a woman (so, day 4), you will be able to choose a meal regimen. There are five choices, all of which carry some effects that are not yet programmed. Eating, in most cases, increases your Fat, which can be burned off through physical activity. Fat must be burned off before you can gain Fitness (sort of: the way it actually works is that you gain fitness as you lose fat, but at the end of the day, fat counts against any fitness gains. So if your food adds 2 fat, and you gain 1 fitness point, you will lose 1 fat point, but have no gain at the end of the day (1 -1 = 0). So you need to work a little harder to gain fitness if you're eating big meals). Fat currently does not get burned off, and the extra effects of meals (such as gaining a bonus to strength) are not programmed in, as I ran out of time. Note that the game will tell you to change your regimen at the fridge, but you can't do that currently.

Also, the meal regimen you choose will affect your "Fullness". Fullness has a maximum value of 50, and once you reach that, you can't eat anything else (not a big deal yet, there's nothing else to eat). There is no regimen that completely fills up your Fullness (Hearty sets it to 40), but basically, the more you eat, the less you CAN eat. Fullness is reset at the beginning of each day, so if, for example, you max out Fullness one day, when you go to sleep, it'll be back to what you set it at with your meal regimen.

Finally, currently if you cannot afford the meal regimen you've scheduled, you choose not to eat instead. This is temporary, as again, I ran out of time, but eventually, you'll be able to choose a different, less expensive regimen if you can't afford the one you've set up (which is important because setting a regimen at the fridge only takes effect the NEXT day).

Bug Fixes
- The tailor now correctly checks to see if clothes no longer fit due to breast growth.
- The salon now actually charges you money for the work they perform.

Monday, July 18, 2011


New version.

I did my best to fix the bugs in the post below, as well as some other ones that have shown up. The tailor seems to be working, based on limited but repeated testing, so let me know if it still doesn't work.

Hunger is still out of the game. I need to work out the details.

What else has changed? Strength and Fitness should only increase at the end of the day, as opposed to when you do the action that causes the increase. So you might wake up in the morning and find that your fitness has increased by a lot. Or, conversely, decreased. I haven't programmed it in yet, but the most fitness and strength can change in a day will be between 5 and 10 points.

Charisma has been broken up into non-natural charisma and natural charisma. Natural charisma is your natural beauty and confidence, and requires you to become comfortable in your body and with your assets in order to figure out the best way to flaunt them, more or less. Non-natural charisma is your "bonus", provided by clothing (not yet), accessories (like jewelry and such) and so on. Non-natural charisma only lasts as long as the effect that's giving you the bonus: if you take off the clothes that give you the bonus, your non-natural charisma is reduced. If your makeup wears off, non-natural charisma is reduced. Both natural charisma and non-natural charisma are limited to 50, while Charisma itself (which is the result of adding both together) is limited to 100. So you can be incredibly confident and naturally beautiful, but you still need to accessorize properly. Ideally, I'll be able to come up with a system that checks to see that what your wearing matches, so that you get a bonus to non-natural charisma for coming up with a good outfit (like a goth girl, or something), but I think I came up with that as I was typing this paragraph, so it's not really confirmed.

There's also some new interactions at the mall. You can go to the salon and get some work done, you can go to the jewelry store and get some additional work done...and that's it (it took a while!). In addition, the new bulletin board at work will let you know, in vague but relatively clear terms, how close you are to promotion. Promotion requirements for the Novice Stripper have been slightly decreased, so it should be easier to get. The bulletin board WILL tell you how close you are to getting the promotion after Novice Stripper, but it's still not yet in the game.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

New Week, New Donations

The donation goal for this week has been set at $100. As before, reaching the goal means I continue to put out versions for play as I work on them, next week. If the goal isn't met by the end of the week, no playable versions! For shame. And, of course, when you donate, you can request something to be added to the game, either clothing, an item, or a minor effect/event. Note that if you ask for more than one thing when you donate, I'll choose only one thing, and it might not be the one you really want, so make sure you know what you're asking for.

There has been a lot of talk at TFGamesSite this weekend about the game, including possible mechanic changes and bugs. Here's a list of what I know needs to be looked at:
- It's still possible to not fit into your clothes when you're done working, preventing you from going home and stalling the game.
- Some of the hair dyes don't work properly, or DO work properly but have the wrong description.
- The Dancing DVD (and the Martial Arts DVD, incidentally) get stored in the bookcase if you've bought it before the DVDs, but you can't retrieve them from the bookcase.
- You can't remove clothes in the bathroom, even though that makes perfect sense.
- Getting to H-Cup breasts doesn't always trigger the big breasts ending.
- You can still drink breast milk that you've poured down the drain.
- You can go to the Dojo as many times as you want in a day and it doesn't cost anything, as opposed to once a day and $5.

Surprisingly, no problems reported with the stylist that's in the game, so that's good. Most of the above bug fixes aren't even big deals, to be honest. They're almost all just a few minutes to fix.

In regards to the stream this week and next week: while I will still be working on the game, my schedule is sufficiently screwed up that the only chance I'll have to stream will be Monday and possibly Saturday evening. Next week will be a bit better, with streams Monday through Wednesday, and then the week after that should be back to normal.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Few Minor Weekend Updates

New version (7/16) up on the right.

Big changes:
- the Salon now exists, and you can get your hair cut, though that's the only option available right now (give me a break, I added it in an hour). Eventually, you'll be able to style your hair, and get other services.
- Removed the hunger timer, so that you can no longer die of hunger. You can still eat, but it's not necessary. A new hunger/food system will be added when I figure it out. I've been offered many ideas, and it'll probably end up being some kind of horrible Frankenstein amalgamation of all of them.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Version 7/15 Up

I know I have a changelog for this stuff, but I wanted to point out a few known issues in the version that was just uploaded, in addition to explaining some of the new mechanics.

New Additions
- The tailor is now available to alter your clothes. In order to have clothes altered to fit your current body, you have to know that it doesn't fit: if you don't try it on and notice that it doesn't fit, it doesn't get added to your list of things that need to be altered. The cost for alterations is $5 per outfit.
- Your hair now grows longer every 15 days. There's currently no way to shorten your hair, but a hairdresser will be added within the next week or so.
- You now have to worry about eating. Hunger builds up over the course of a day, and if it gets too high, the game will end (you die). Eat from the fridge. The notification messages are, right now, kind of hard to see, but I'm updating them so that you can tell when it's getting to be a serious issue.
- You'll now be informed when you should be heading to work.
- You now have to pay rent every 30 days. It is not a particular day of the week or the month, but rather every thirty days. I know this is slightly unrealistic (it should be a fixed day of the month), but whatever. Rent is $600, and you have the option of paying it immediately on the day that it's due. If you don't, you have to pay it before the end of the day, which lets you get one more potential payday in (currently the front door is used to pay rent, later it will be a mailbox item). Failure to pay your rent by the end of the day means that, normally, you'd have to visit your landlord (called building manager in game for nebulous reasons currently) and work out some method of payment. That's not currently available, so if you don't pay your rent properly, the game will end 2 days later when you get evicted.
- Couple fixes: you can't, for example, get into a situation at the strip club where your clothes don't fit, preventing you from getting home. The breast pump has been fixed so you can't drink infinite milk. The dildo panties have been removed until I figure out what they're going to do. Clothing may have been fixed once and for all, but I wouldn't count on it. The masturbation bug that prevented masturbation when your inhibitions were less than 90 has been fixed. Weight gain/loss powder has been fixed so that, if you use it up, you can buy more and use it again (and you also can't use it in the store).

Known Bugs and Issues:
- Stripper clothes still do not properly alter your description. They have not yet been added to the clothing grid.

Planned Changes:
- The hunger/food system is going to undergo a planned revamp. I hate to kill a baby here, but very, very few people seem to think it's a good addition. You will still be required to eat, but it will be less intrusive. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Version and Known Bugs

New version today. The following changes have been made:

- Breast pump now actually works. You can use it more than once (though only once per day), and it will eventually result in activating the Lactation trait.
- Fixed a whole bunch of clothing issues, where you couldn't take clothes off in places that were marked as being safe for taking off clothes.
- Added some new items to the mall. You will notice that a lot of these items can only be used once per day. This is very much intentional. As a result of the new items, I've increased the starting amount of money from $150 to $300, for those people that don't want to use the Trust Fund cheat.
- Added a new promotion to the Eroticism career: Novice Stripper, along with new potential events while working. Note that promotion requires certain skills and physical abilities (specifically, you have to have Fitness above 30, and Dancing at 10+), and your hidden Job Performance stat has to be quite high, so don't be surprised if it takes quite a while to activate it.
- Added a new section to the apartment: the Foyer. Leaving the apartment now requires the use of the "front door" item, but there shouldn't be any conflicts with any existing commands.

The current version also has the following known bugs:

- Some clothes still say that you're naked when you're wearing them. This is due to me not having updated the clothing system to account for those clothes yet (might do that tonight).
- You can't get promoted past the Novice Stripper job: I haven't programmed that yet.
- You can progress all the way to day 369 (April 1st, 2013), but nothing happens. That's the end game. Don't expect it to be in for quite a long time.

Edit: pretty crazy discussion of bugs and future features going on at TFGamesSite. Check it out starting here!

The Day Off Plan

Sounds like an episode of Leverage.

I don't work today, so I'm hoping to get some additional work done. The primary plan today is to fix the bugs that have cropped up, then add some items that will help pass time, other than the TV. I have about a dozen such items planned, so it shouldn't be too bad. Just time consuming. Then, with whatever time remains, work on the waitress job.

I'm also planning to add (today) a foyer to the apartment. One thing I've noticed with RAGS is that, no matter how much you try, the more items you put into a room, the more cluttered the room gets. I've been trying to get around that particular problem with containers, which certainly alleviates a lot of the problem, but then I get container clutter, and that's not any better. So, in the interests of footwear (and the eventual outerwear that will be added), I'm putting in a foyer that will allow you to store some of that stuff. In addition it will have a "front door" object that will hopefully make the "Go To The (Blank)" interactions a bit easier to recognize, instead of being room actions.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New version uploaded

New version on the right.

The big update for this one is the beginning of the job system. Currently, you can work as a waitress, and get up to four random events while working, or have an otherwise boring shift. Note that the days you work are quite specific, so don't be surprised when you can't work on Tuesday.

There are also quite a few bug fixes, mostly related to clothes (note to self: do NOT change the name of items, ever), but some other minor problems have been fixed as well. If you notice any new bugs, though, please report them.

The plan for the next segment of development is to expand the eroticism career with new events, characters to interact with, and promotions, as well as adding in new items to pass the time. Also, a couple of indicators of time passing: a hunger meter, and a certain other things (hair growth, etc).

Edit: The sleep command doesn't come up properly. The next version will fix this (it's literally just adding a single command), but in the meantime, use the testing item command "Skip Intro".

Edit 2: Additional testing has somehow broken things that actually were fixed. I have no idea how. I'll work on getting those bugs fixed before streaming tomorrow, but I guarantee nothing.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Additions

I haven't uploaded a new version because the content that was added today is currently unreachable. I'll fix it first thing tomorrow.

But, some donations came in, resulting in the addition of the following items:
- Vibrator panties (a pair of panties with a dildo attached, current effect unknown)
- Cow transformation (technically a "major" effect rather than a minor one, but I was pretty much planning on adding it anyway, so there you go). Note that reaching 100% Cow TF will result in a game over.
- Dirty Talk Sex Trait (you like to talk dirty during sex, and also tend to be a bit louder than normal)

I'll update more as more requests come in.


New livestream is up. Due to request, I'm going to be working on the dentist stripper job today. After I finish a couple of items.

Monday, July 11, 2011

New Week, New Version, New Plan

Uploaded a new version of Cursed, on the right.

I also figured out a way to encourage donations without having to sell my soul, and without distracting me from making the games you've all come to love. Every week will have a goal. If the goal is met, then I keep uploading playable versions of Cursed the following week. Otherwise, I'll still stream the development, but no demos will be uploaded. Since I was able to raise $125 last week, this week's goal is a mere $75.

That's the stick. Here's the carrot.

Each time you make a donation, you can request an item, piece of clothing or minor effect be added to the game (limit once per week). It may not be added right away, but I will put it on my list of things to implement.

Items are objects you can interact with. They can change your stats, raise or lower your arousal, affect your skills, or be required for certain actions. For example, the strap-on is required to have strap-on sex. The dildo can be used for masturbation to lower your arousal. The hair dye changes your hair color. Items are things you buy and use, or receive as "gifts".

Clothing is obviously the stuff you wear. It can also have an effect on your mental state, and sometimes a (minor) effect on your body shape. Want that fetish wear in the game? Now you can!

Minor effects are effects that, while they change you somewhat, are not necessarily immediately noticeable. Growing a pair of horns is a major effect. Developing a sudden affinity for plants is a minor effect.

(Disclaimer: for the purposes of this program, a week begins at 12:01am Sunday, and ends at 11:59pm Saturday. All times EST). I'll make sure to update the goal accordingly, and any "extra" donations will count towards the following week.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Do We Not Like the Idea of Commissions?

Looks like the response to my commissions idea has been less than...well, anything, really. Still open for discussion, but I'm considering other methods.

For example, I'm thinking of a "collaborative" method. Basically, for each donation, you get to define some aspect of a "quickie" game. So for $20, you get to choose a TF that ends up in the game. Or something like that. And then every $100, the game gets made.

Barring that, I'm thinking of just plain begging. I don't really have anything else to offer, at least that I can think of.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Sadly, the donation button has been neglected all week. Even more sadly, my financial situation hasn't exactly improved. Perhaps most sadly, my pride will not allow me to beg for money without offering something in return.

So here's how this is going to work: I am now putting my game-making skills up for sale.

If you donate $50, you will get a custom game. This game will be limited to 5 rooms and one transformation. You can choose the type of transformation, define the plot, and I'll make the game for you. Turnaround time will be about a week (five or so days). If you want more than one transformation, each addition is $15. Also note that I am a writer and game creator, not an artist, and so I do not have the ability to create or creatively modify any pictures or art. If you'd like art in your game, you can submit it, but I cannot use art from sources to which you do not own the copyright.

Also note that male-to-female is considered a transformation. So if you would like a man to be turned into a woman, then it's $50. If you would like that woman to then be turned into, for example, a naga, or a bimbo as a separate transformation, that's an additional $15.

When I say that you need to define the plot, this can be as specific or as vague as you'd like. If your plot is "evil curse turns man into tiger", I can work with that. If you come up with a three page epic detailing the transformation of a woman into a mermaid, I'll probably charge you a bit more for including the additional details, but I can work with that as well.

If you commission a game, you will have full access to the code. However, the game itself will be made publicly available when completed, behind a password lock. What you do with your unlocked version is up to you, as long as proper credit is given.

Commission slots will be limited to 5 pending commissions at a time, to be completed in the order in which they are received. When one commission is completed, another slot will become available, unless someone is already in line due to a massive rush or something.

If you are not able to afford the commission rate, fear not. I'm trying to come up with something somewhat less expensive, and will post more details when I'm able to figure out what I want to do. If you have suggestions for something, please feel free to post. If you have questions, please leave a comment. If you're interested in commissioning something, please email me at anonymousmangames AT gmail DOT com.

Version Beta Point Something

Another new version uploaded today. Check the change log.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Version

Uploaded a new version of Cursed, check the side bar. Starting with the next update, I'll start using version numbers, but I reserve the right for them to not make any sense at all. Most of the bugs in the intro should be fixed, and you can now go to the new location, the mall, and see it in all its mostly-empty glory.

I also put in a few things behind the scenes. Notably, there's now day/month/year calendar, because I'm out of my freaking mind, apparently. Due to the way the game is handled, the total number of days available is now 369, so the game will last slightly more than a year. The next few updates will see the mall getting fleshed out, with clothes in the clothes stores, various items and pieces of furniture available for sale, and then on to the first of the four jobs.

Again, please report any bugs found.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Updated the livestream schedule to be a little less specific. Also completely forgot that I uploaded a new version of Cursed, so I updated that as well, date-wise at least. I'm getting the changelog together and will have it posted before the livestream tomorrow morning.


So I've been toying with the idea of how to make some money, so that I don't have to get a second job. In the stream today, it was suggested that a commission structure be put in place.

I thought about it, and figured I could probably do something like that. The only problem is, how exactly to do it. I could set up low-cost commissions for things to be added into Cursed, or I could set up higher-cost commissions for people to request full-fledged games. Games would be expensive, and would have limits, but I kind of like the idea of making games for people. As a fair warning, if I do that, it would be about $40 to $50 for a basic, five-room one-transformation game, with additional requests adding to the price, because as much as I'd like to think otherwise, making a game isn't the easiest or least time-consuming process out there.

A couple of ideas I'm knocking around. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts, and if you have another idea for commissions or donations structure, I wouldn't mind hearing those too.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Questions Thread

Got a question about Trials, but don't think you'll be able to make it to the webcast? Leave a comment here, and I'll answer it tomorrow (note: anonymous commenting is now allowed).

Planned Changes

I'm pretty sure it's sad that, when another game maker expresses interest in what I do, I get all happy like "Ee! I have credibility!"

But, anyway.

I planned to change a few things today, but sadly, they did not get finalized due to corruption. So, while I work on making a changelog, here's what I'll be adding to Cursed over the next few days.

- Normal Traits system: You can see this in the video (assuming it ever posted, I don't know if it did), but basically, normal traits are non-sexual traits, though they can assist with getting you sexed. They include Drinker (alters how alcohol works), Heels Expert (bonus for wearing high heels, the higher the better), a few animal-like traits (the ability to tell when someone is aroused, the inability to see other humans as something other than breeding stock), and so on. Quite easy to implement, the only problem is execution (adding ways to get the traits, as well as implementing their effects).
- Clothing Grid: set up the clothing method. I'm going to actually see if the video posted and use those descriptions. Otherwise, I'll just make up some more. Setting up the clothing grid includes setting up the clothes available in the game. Good news is that adding more clothes with this system is easy as pie.
- The Mall: a place where you can buy almost anything you need.
- Buyable Objects: Things that you can buy, including new furniture (with new benefits and actions!) and items that you can carry around. Possibly also jewelry.

If I'm super-fortunate, I can get all that done this week. Otherwise, it'll probably be two.


The livestream today was going pretty well, until my computer decided to have thinking problems. Figuring it was just a hiccup, I shut down and started again. Only to find that my Cursed Rebuild file was terminally corrupted somehow. And had not saved a backup. Fifteen minutes of anger and furious vengeance was followed by five minutes of relief when I realized I'd be able to get the file I'd uploaded on 7/1, thus only losing the work I had done today. Still incredibly annoying, but somewhat less so.

So, because I lack the proper frame of mind in which I would be able to work on the game (anger + frustration + doing things again = bad game), I've shut down the stream for today. I'll resume Cursed on Thursday, while the Trials livestream is still planned for tomorrow. Hell, I might work on Cursed while answering questions about Trials, who knows.

That was my day.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Schedule

On the right, you'll see the livestream status. This will be updated as things happen and I figure out what (if anything) I'm going to work on when I'm broadcasting, so, you know, keep an eye on that.

The first Trials stream will be a question and answer session. I'm sure people have all kinds of questions, and this will be your (first) opportunity to ask them. I'll do some work as well, but for the most part, it will hopefully be answering the myriad questions I've avoided.

Cursed tomorrow will be me catching up after a weekend of brainstorming. New traits, a new job, and possibly getting the mall set up. I hate the mall. It's so complicated.

I'm also planning to put up a changelog tomorrow, so that people can keep track of what's been added.

One other thing to note: although Trials and Cursed are the games I'm spending most of my time on, don't be afraid to ask questions about any other game I've made.

Edit: Yes, the donation button is back, despite promises that it would disappear forever. Sadly, that's not the case, and I'm not at all happy about it. Your continued support of my game-making is appreciated.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

You People ROCK!

I'll admit, I was a little worried that donations would stall out and I wouldn't get the chance to do a Trials livestream.

But that's not the case.

Trials livestream is currently scheduled for Wednesday. Cursed will be Tuesday. And after that? Who knows. Only thing I know is that I love livestreaming, so they aren't going away any time soon.

Thank you again for all your support. This has gone from a week with the potential to be horrible, to a week that turned out pretty f'ing awesome.

The Weekend

So, after a flurry of livestreams, and a lot of work getting done, we're on to the weekend. Problem with the weekend is that I work at my actual job all weekend, then, spend the remaining time with my wife. So, really, it's not a problem for me, but rather a problem for anyone that wants to see more livestreaming.

Originally, there was a plan to stream on Sunday evening, but sadly, that is no longer possible. And with the 4th being a (very rare) day off for me, the next stream won't be until Tuesday at the earliest.

That doesn't mean I'm not going to work on my games, though. Cursed in particular is something I can work on at work, simply because I have a notebook and a pencil. So hopefully I won't get too far non-existent timeline in my head.

Anyway, I know that there are quite a few people at TFGamesSite that would love to see a Trials livestream, and the truth is I would love to do one, show people all the tricks and such that I employed in making the game. Unfortunately, donations are currently about $20 short of that particular threshold, and there's only two days left before the donation button disappears (it'll disappear before then if I make the goal). Once again, if I don't make the donation threshold, that doesn't mean Trials will be unfinished, just that it will not be broadcast. Big difference.

Thank you once again to everyone that has donated and helped me out in this particularly difficult time. Your generosity has made my heart swell up three sizes too big, and the least I can do is repay you with the ever-fun livestreaming. I really do appreciate your help, and I will not forget it.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Stream Later

There will be a livestream later today. I have some things to do this morning, but I'm hoping to start by 1pm (EST) at the latest. It won't be as long as my other streams, simply because I have to work, but I figure I can still get some stuff done, maybe answer some questions, and perhaps put up an honest-to-god playable version by the end, even.

Edit: Sorry folks. Stream will begin around 3:15, and go to about 4:15 or 4:30. So, short, but it'll definitely happen.

Also, now a mere $20 from a Trials livestream.

Edit 2: Stream over. New version (hopefully significantly more playable) on the right. I'll start putting up a changelog...eventually.