Thursday, September 27, 2012

Streaming for reals

Well, not anymore, since I finished for the day.

Got quite a bit of the Crime and Punishment done. The basic way it works is that, for every illegal action you perform (public indecency/nudity, theft, assault, solicitation, etc), you get guilt points. The number of points you get depends on the severity of the crime. Once your guilt gets to 50+ points (on a scale of 0-100), there's an increasing chance that the police will show up at your apartment between early afternoon and night to arrest you.

Once you're arrested, you can pay the fine, or spend time in jail (warning, spending time in jail will be REALLY boring!). Either way, when you've done that, your guilt resets to zero and, depending on the severity of the crime you were arrested for, you get between 1 and 3 points added to your criminal record. The more points you have in your criminal record, the more severe the fines/sentences you have to face for your crimes.

At the end of every day, your guilt drops by 1 point, so if you go long enough without getting all up in the illegal activity, then you're off scot-free.

Eventually, I want to make it so that if you're arrested a lot, you get a trait for it (Criminal), which gives bonuses to slightly counter the penalties you get for spending time in jail (you'll still want to avoid spending time in jail, though), as well as additional options while in jail, instead of the wait/nap/exercise options that are planned for this release.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Streaming Sick...again

Voice has at least partially recovered, so I might as well work. Sickness is no deterrent unless I let it.

Today, I think I'll work a little on crime and punishment. Should be, well...relatively easy.

Edit: Okay, maybe not so easy. In order to make the punishment section work properly, I have to work on the crime part. On the plus side, public nudity? Oh yeah, that's on tap.

Edit 2: Something happened, and now I'm not in the mood to code right now. I'm going to take the stream down for a bit. I'll be back in a bit.

Edit 3: Yeah, okay, I obviously didn't get back to it. Motivation just...up and went. But I'll be streaming again tomorrow (morning, at least), so while this day kind of ended early, I'll make it up tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Stream Time: Writing Edition!

Well, I may be sick as a dog, but I have work to do, so let's get to it.

You may also have noticed a new page: Event Submissions at the top. It has guidelines for writing scenes, as people have asked and I haven't actually bothered putting it into words yet. Well, now I have.

If you have questions about writing a specific scene, ask me. I'm usually on Skype and I always read my email. And adding scenes isn't terribly difficult, it's the writing that slows me down.

Anyway, time for coding. On tap for today...I dunno. I think it's going to be the Busker side-job.

Surprisingly, I got almost all of the Busker side job done today. And even started on some stuff for Crime and Punishment. Also known as sweeeeeet.

I'll be answered emails later. Sorry about the delay, I'm bad at email.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Stream Down

Time for coding is over!

This ended up being a bug fix stream (god, I hate bug fixing). But I also finally finished all the robot upgrade descriptions, so those are completely done, which means the Transformation Overhaul is officially done...three weeks after it was released. Deeeeerrrrrrrrp.

Anyway, new version is here. I'll post the complete list of fixed stuff later.

Also, as mentioned in the stream, I actually have a large amount of next week off from my day job, so I'm hoping to get at least 2 productive coding sessions out of it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Stream Schedule

Sorry about the lack of streams lately, it's been kind of crazy in my personal world. Insomnia and school work and really long days at work and frightening news from doctors and bleeeeh.

Anyway, I'll be back to normal schedule on Thursday, which will involve some bug fixes, and then on to the next update.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Have I mentioned that I hate bug fixes?

Sorry about being incommunicado for the last few days, but I'm back for more bug fixing. Particularly of shoes, because what the fuck is up with those? And, of course, the other stuff (cigarettes, don't make me recompile you with a bat!).

The following bugs have been fixed:
- Shoes can now be worn again.
- Komodo cigarettes will no longer turn into regular cigarettes.

Also made the following changes:
- A lot of things have been made more obvious, like the note that must be read for the second mission.
- The closet now has a command (after reading the note after choosing a job) that explains the clothing system. It will disappear after using it once, but it should be pretty helpful for explaining the clothing system, in particular the exercise clothing mechanic.
- The toolkit got some more descriptions.
- Changed the second mission so that Maria will now give you the Brittany mission whether you seduced her or not.
- A few other minor tweaks here and there.

Update 9/11 is here.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Bug Fix Stream

Yes, I am tired. But I am also hungry. And not allowed to eat. So I might as well do something while I wait to get tired enough to ignore my hunger and fall asleep.

Something like bug fixes!

EDIT: It's late, I'm tired, and I've run out of steam. Updated version is here.

The following bugs have been fixed:

- Going to sleep while smoking will no longer prevent you from smoking ever again (tested and confirmed as working)
- Going out jogging with the sports bra set will no longer cause the "not-wearing-underwear" message to show up. This is kind of a temporary fix, in that going out jogging without underwear also won't cause that message to show up, until I figure out a better way to fix it.
- Once you start an inhuman transformation the wolf claw necklace will disappear. If you somehow manage to get all your TF counters back down to zero, it will reappear.
- The toolkit is now in the furniture store. Or should be.
- Once you've finished a TF, you'll be able to view the Unique Traits option on the character portrait to see what new effects you have.
- Catnap action is now properly nested under Special Actions.
- You will no longer say "nya" all the time (I changed the variable to test it, then forgot to change it back), and most instances of "Mm" sounds have been fixed. I think I got about 90% of them.

I know that doesn't look like much, but that last one took for-fucking-ever, and I have to get up early tomorrow. More bug fixes will be coming this week.

Bug Fixes Later Today

Just like the subject says. I'm not sure when, but I'll be taking care of bug fixes at some point today, for a new release. Hopefully, I can stamp them all out and get started on the next version tomorrow.