Monday, April 15, 2013

So Many Things To Do This Week

So, obviously, I'm gonna blow them off and do some coding!

...but not of Cursed.

Instead, I'm clearing my head by trying desperately to finish an older game I never actually finished: Trials of Taihra-Firanae, which, if you're interested, can be downloaded here. Apparently, people really like it, but I got side-tracked by Cursed, and it was never finished. I actually have 90% of the stuff in the rest of the game planned out, it's just a matter of actually doing it, and I think I need to actually finish something to feel a sense of accomplishment.

Hopefully, it won't distract me too much from Cursed, which I will be getting back to soon enough. But hey, why not tune in and listen to awesome music, or just ask me questions, or hang out?

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