Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Second Trial Complete!

Like the title says, finally finished the second trial. It is indeed much shorter than the first, and doesn't have quite as much variability, but there are still some significant choices there. Notably, there's only one chance to increase your karma, and a whole lot of chances to lower it.

So now it's on to finishing day 5, which will probably take a while. Have to include the various options that people have come to expect. Not sure yet how day 6 will work, but I'm not there yet anyway.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Other Things That Keep Me Busy

Now, I may make games, but that generally also means that I like to play them. And I do. Currently, my thing is MMOs.

I play RIFT, Aion, Final Fantasy XI, and EVE Online. I'm playing Aion because my friends do: I'm not entirely sure I like the game, and I'm almost level 40 (out of 55). RIFT is fun for a while: you can go on for an hour and feel like you've accomplished something, but at the same time, it feels almost like cardboard: stiff and lacking substance. Still fun, though. Final Fantasy XI is my old nostalgia filter kicking in: I've played it off and on for, well, eight years. Never managed to get beyond level 30, but it's still a fun game, and I enjoy the story immensely.

EVE Online, sadly, is an old shame. It's dull, boring and quite frankly tedious, but it's still enjoyable. I was actually thinking about re-activating my old account a few days ago when I noticed that Fenoxo (you may see a link to his blog on the lower right somewhere) posted that he was doing exactly that. How fascinating, thought I, maybe I really should give it a go. And so I have.

If you play any of these games and would like to look me up, it's probably not going to happen. Sorry. However, if you play EVE Online, try to look me up. I won't tell you my character name (because I'm crazy like that), but I'm part of Fenoxo's corporation, Space-Trains LLC, so if you're feeling like a detective, feel free.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


So it's been a week, and a very busy one at that. Unfortunately, not so much with the game making. The problem with taking online courses for a degree is that there's very little compelling you to do it beyond willpower, and I don't have very much of that when it comes to schoolwork. So I've been spending the last week frantically catching up on schoolwork and trying not to claw my eyes out at the unbelievable dullness of Fine Arts. Stupid requirements.

Anyway, I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things on Monday. I have to work all weekend, so that's not going to work out. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish the fifth day of Trials by Tuesday and get that much closer to finishing it.

As for Cursed, I'm starting to think that RAGS might not be the best way to do it. I'm looking at other options, like Flash, Gamemaker, and a couple of others. I probably won't DO that, but maybe for a different project. I've had a non-TF related RPG brewing in my head for a couple of years now, centered around what I think is an interesting little battle system. Shame my artistic skills are lacking, but I'll see what I can do. But! That's neither here nor there.

Friday, April 1, 2011

[APRIL FOOLS] Damn it.

Alright, so. After a couple of weeks of working on Trials, I've just about had it. I can't figure out what to do next, the characterization is terrible, and quite frankly, it's just no longer interesting. So I'm just done with it. Killed. Dead. Sorry if you were waiting for it.

Cursed is a different story.

For Cursed, I've decided that the TG-TF elements are completely unnecessary. So, now you begin the game as a woman, and it's really just a life simulator. But there's no sex. I couldn't figure out how to code the potential outcomes of sex, like pregnancy, or arousal, or character interaction, or...well, basically a lot of stuff. So I figured it would be better to just drop it entirely. So, the game is now going to be about the day-to-day interactions of a woman in her normal life. Hopefully, it'll still be interesting, but I know the new focus will drive a lot of people away.

I think I'll put up a beta tomorrow, and see what people think of the playable parts. So far you're able to wake up, get breakfast, head to the mall, buy some clothes, and eat some food. It's actually pretty stimulating, in my own humble opinion. None of that has any effect on the game yet, but it's in there, at least. So, look for the beta on the TFGamessite forum tomorrow, once I've cleaned up the unruly bits.

Seriously, though, people, April fools.