Monday, May 6, 2013

Streaming again

Plenty of things to do today, so of course I'm going to brush them off and do something with Trials.

Just FYI, I will be pausing frequently to take care of laundry and dishes as they finish their cycles. I'll leave a note when such things occur.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Stream Time

I only have time for a couple of hours of coding, but that's still two hours more than I've been able to do for the last...what? Week? More? I don't have any concept of time at this point.

We'll see if I can find my notes and make any kind of progress here.

Edit: Well, it took half an hour to find my fucking notes (hate moving), but eventually I was able to get some work done. The bouncer at the beginning of the third trial is by far the most complicated character in it (except for the last two, but eh), so he's taking a while to get done.

...I miss the days when I could spend 4-6 hours working on games and not have to worry about shit.