I think I'm getting my second wind.
Last week was a nightmare. Between the cat potentially getting sick (which she was not, it was just a hairball that I didn't see and I overreacted), and getting a bill from my university about owing a metric crapton of money due to a mistake on my part (which has since been cleared up), it's a miracle I don't have an ulcer*.
But I've actually been sketching out new content the last few days. Which hasn't actually happened in...well, quite a few days. Combined with the fact that my Saturdays just cleared up for the summer (which is actually a bad thing, since that means I get paid less money), and I'm thinking it's time to build some momentum**.
The new stuff that I've been sketching out is some Lydia relationship stuff (I find her far more interesting to contemplate in terms of complexity than Genevieve), and also some transformation changes. Currently, transformations don't really do much; they're cosmetic. That's all well and good, but it's kind of dull.
Well, no more. Once I finish with this update, the next one will focus entirely on a transformation revamp. In addition to the cosmetic changes associated with an inhuman transformation, there will also be some additions to gameplay.
For example, catgirls. Cats are curious and playful creatures. So a catgirl will find fun in everything they do, which means that their arousal will go up less. However, they're also easily distracted, so skill training is harder for them. They're instinctively neat creatures, so cleaning the apartment is easier. They're great sleepers, so they can catch a catnap and reduce arousal slightly. No one really likes to hear a cat caterwauling, so catgirls will have their music skill limited to 75 and get no bonuses from singing. They have litters of kittens, so multiple pregnancy chance will go up by 20% and can't go below 20%.
Things like that. It'll be different for each transformation, so that becoming a catgirl offers a significantly different experience from, say, dragon. If you want to be a cowgirl, for example, you might want to avoid the eroticism career, or get through the dancing parts quickly, since cowgirls (especially with udders) are not the most graceful beasts, and can't increase dancing above 50. Robot-girls find it difficult to become aroused, but once they are aroused, they find it difficult to lower it, and they don't learn new skills easily, gaining only one skill point a day.
I think it will make things more interesting, and provide an incentive for avoiding transformations. I've only got about half of them planned out yet, with dragon, succubus and wings still pending. And I haven't forgotten about the dog TF requested, I just haven't gotten around to it.
*To top it all off, I'm also trying to learn a new programming language, sketching out a new, non-adult game, and putting together a plan to make an actual game for commercial production. Oh, and schoolwork, my job, and spending time with my wife and friends. It's a busy life.
**There is one little problem with that, and that's that I'm right in the middle of the last week of classes for two courses, which mean huge papers are due!
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